Saturday, May 22, 2010

Tricks of Toy Story 3

s basis without losing their health. -No necessary claw (25 pts): find all the hidden aliens. -(120 Pts) collector: meet each trading card game. -We can rebuild him (25 pts): procurement of Zurg all parts. -Firstly Silver (10 pts): purchase a silver medal in a vehicle challenge. -Memories (25 pts): acquisition of Andy all memorabilia. -Holding of all cards (50 pts): search all cards to regulate. -First sale (5 pts): buy a toy in the toy shop. -Pict-O-Master (50 pts): manage all Pict-O-Matic missions. -City PIN (10 pts): Glen of happy to buy Lotso. -Firstly bronze (5 pts): acquire a bronze medal in a vehicle challenge. -To Infinity... (10 pts): Spaceport buy Zurg. -Train (10 pts) Catcher: successfully complete successfully "Reasons Loco". -Not Toy Left Behind (25 pts): rescue of all orphans on the train. -Mapnipulator (10 pts): scans all objects on the map. -Pause for him (10 pts): successfully complete successfully "Hide-N-Sneak". -Flying Ranger (10 pts): parachute visits 15 goals. -Toy Collector (50 pts): buy all the elements of the toy store. -Photojournalist (pts 15): manage all toy camera missions.Additionally, there are three secret achievements:-Secret achievement (25 pts): unknown. -Secret achievement (40 pts): unknown. -Secret achievement (75 pts): unknown.

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